Alice Wong - MA, LMHC
Clinical Supervisor
The journey towards a fulfilling profession is a personal endeavor unique to each person. Alice’s journey took many twists and turns that included a change in her academic program, a gap year, and visits abroad before it led her to her chosen career as a mental health counselor. Alice knows first-hand the anxiety, confusion, and self-doubt that arises when faced with a life-altering decision.
It was through her own personal experience with choosing a purposeful career that she came to realize that every person has within them the innate capacity for self-actualization and the potential to achieve meaningful change. In her work, she is always amazed by the power of resilience, self-efficacy, and self-determination when confronted with life challenges. As a therapist, Alice’s goal is to help you become a better version of yourself so that you can better tackle your everyday struggles.
Through her undergraduate education from CUNY Brooklyn College and master’s level training in mental health counseling from New York University, Alice is equipped and eager to work with you to help conquer your obstacles and achieve your goals. She believes that working from a humanistic, person-centered approach will provide a warm, supportive environment where you can be true to yourself as you begin your journey of self-discovery.